Sanctuary, bladachino (canopy), altar, ambo, 1968 renovation. Interiors Catholic Churches John Domin, Liturgical Consultant, 1924- Crosses Altars Liturgy and architecture Christian art and symbolism
Sanctuary, bladachino (canopy), altar, ambo, 1968 renovation. Interiors Catholic Churches John Domin, Liturgical Consultant, 1924- Crosses Altars Liturgy and architecture Christian art and symbolism2
Bema (altar floor), handmade altar from local timber by Lee Kelly, sanctuary, 1968 renovation. Catholic Churches John Domin, Liturgical Consultant, 1924- Sanctuary Altars Liturgy and architecture Christian art and symbolism
Closer view of handmade altar, presider's chair, by Lee Kelly, 1968 renovation. Church architecture--Catholic Churches John Domin, Liturgical Consultant, 1924- Sanctuary Altars Liturgy and architecture Christian art and symbolism
Silver filigree crucifix of the Risen Christ by Lee Kelly, sculptor, 1968 renovation. Church architecture--Catholic Churches John Domin, Liturgical Consultant, 1924- Crosses Church buildings Oregon Liturgy and architecture Christian art and symbolism
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St. Alice, Portland, OR
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