Fr. John Domin

1923 - 2017


Resurrection Church

Tualitin, OR

Tue  6/13 10:30 am


About Tomasz Misztal

The artist, Tomasz Misztal, was born in Poland in 1957 and currently lives and works in Oregon. He earned his Masters of Fine Art and Ph.D. from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland.  His exhibitions have been numerous, and his work is on display in private collections and museums internationally, most notably in the Vatican. Tomasz's web site (below) includes additional information about the artist, his extensive portfolio, medial features, and contact information.

My Work Is My Prayer

As an artist who creates sacred art,whether for use in liturgical spaces or other settings, I am sometimes asked how I go about my work. Of course, there is not a universally defined method for doing such work. After all, creating sacred art is inspired work – Spirit-led work – and naturally, every artist is inspired in different ways at different times.

The process that I try to be faithful to when I create sacred art is one I can compare with Lectio Divina. My approach to my work and Lectio Divina, as an ancient way to approach sacred texts, have much in common.

First: Lectio (Reading)

I read and learn about the subject related to the project. I read scripture. I also reach out to books that contain commentary and images related to the theme of my future piece.

Second: Meditatio (Meditation)

This step consists of all kinds of research and reflection. I discuss the theme with my client and close friends in order to brainstorm ideas and formal solutions. This stage is very intense emotionally and intellectually. I walk and sleep with the subject, pondering it more and more deeply.

Third: Oratio (Prayer)

I pray to the Holy Spirit for light, strength, and guidance in my work. I submit myself to God as the Creator of Heaven and Earth, knowing that I am only a tool in God’s hands.

Fourth: Contemplatio (Contemplation)

It is the most wonderful and unusual experience of joy and peace. This is the moment when time disappears. I still work, but conversation between me, tools and material ceases. There is a flow and a silence. I can almost feel God’s warm hand holding me like a chisel.



The art of Tomasz Mistal


© 2016 Sanctuary for Sacred Arts